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Saturday, May 22, 2010

guess what

yes! finally i've decided on what i want 2 be 4 my future..n guess what..after months of thinking( i think years actually) i have finally decide on 2 be an engineer which is i think great 4 me..:) haha..i think all the dream bout me being a doc is a crap really..bak kate mama sye yg trcinta..ni ujian Allah kt ats kite..blabla x igt sgt ape mama ckp n akhirnye ak brjaye wat keputusan yg tpt insyaallah lps mndgr all da advice from my parents, family, frens n my parent's frens..

cter nye cmni..semlm time pg2 lps bgn tdo 2 kn..actually i've thought of rejecting mara tau..haha..gler siot! tp xde lah ckp kt my parents lg psl ni juz diam je dulu sbb x sure kn..then mama ade lah cal kwn2 die time skola dulu tnye psl ni..ps2 mama cal lah besfren die since primary school x silap..nme die yasmin mahmood..she is a very3 succesfull woman n i adore her very much! she was once i think the managing director of microsoft malaysia n now currently working in ytl company..bile ckp psl ytl trigt ak kt earth hour last year..haha..=D 

(pnt gak tulis post pnjg2 ni..huhu)

aunty yasmin or nme yg mama ak pggl die cho min..die bg lah ceramah jap semlm..die tnye btol ke danial nk jd doc..sggup ke keje doc nnt..cube danial pkir danial nk workin environment cmne nnt..jgn jd mcm ade org yg blaja medic lme2 last2 x jd doc kn rugi 2..so sume soalan ni mmbuatkn ak brpkir..btol ke ak nk jd doc..ak keje die ak x kesa rse nye..mne de keje yg best sng kn..tp soalan aunty yasmin yg ak rse btol2 wat ak pilih engineering kn ialah soalan ni..danial sggup x blaja lme2 in bout 6-7 years..haha..criusly..bile pkir blk kn..ak xnk n sbnrnye MALAS "SKET" nk blaja ni..spe2 yg knal ak tau lah ak cmne kn..trsgt2 lah pemls..huhu..;) anyway..thank u soo much aunty yasmin 4 ur advice which really open up my mind n make me think deeply on wat i will encounter in my future undertakings if i choose dis n dat..:)

btw..ak x jd lah nk gi pejabat mara esok n minx tuka course medic..kpd afiq farhan..ko gi lah mnggdik sorng2 kt sne nnt..hahaha..=D

so..dis is my final decision n i will not regret it..pray 4 my success di mase akn dtg n me 2 will pray 4 u guys..insyaallah..n thanks 2 all those yg dh bg nasihat 2 me..all ur advice help me a lotz in making dis tough decision..

Friday, May 21, 2010


ptg td ak cek lah kt website mara psl scholarship utk ke oversea kn n alhamdulillah..ak brjaye mndpt tmpt utk mmbuat prep kt kolej mara seremban utk course engineering..mslh nye skng ni kn..ak xnk..bkn lah xnk..ak confuse nk pilih btween sc hayat n engineering..mngkin ade org kate cmni.."ko ni dh dpt mara 2 ok lah...amik jelah..xyah nk pkir lg..bleh gi oversea." n mybe ade yg kate ak x brsyukur n ape lah..nk bandingkn ngn org yg x dpt 2 lg kesian..btol gak 2! ;)

tp 2 lah..ati ak skng ni mngatakn mcm elok ak amik medic tp xkn ak nk tolak mara 2 kowt..gile ke ape..org brssh payah nk dpt sng2 tolak cm2..haish!! org kate wat lah istikharah nk tntukn mne yg elok..ok..ak dh wat tp mybe x dpt ptnjuk lg kowt..tp ape2 pown..ak nk ikot ape yg kak sedare ak btau kt ak n kalo x dpt pown..xpe lah..brsyukur lah ngn ape yg ade trime jelah seadanye..insyaallah..due2 pown ak minat n bleh wat nnt..:)

kpd spe2 yg brjaye mndpt scholarship tahniah diucapkn n kpd spe2 yg x brjaye mndpt scholarship..ni lah kbykn org akn ckp..ade hikmah disebalik 2..cliche.:)
tp korng still bleh wat elok2 time asasi or matriks ni n apply utk gi oversea time degree nnt..n kpd mereka yg dh dpt trmsok lah diri ak sndri kalo ak accpt mara ni..jgn igt kite dh dpt bleh maen2 time prep kt msia ni..kite x dpt pointer yg die nk..xde nye mara ke..jpa ke..ape2 scholarship nk abiskn duit kt kite ngn mnghantar ke oversea..so sng cter..mne2 yg korng pilih..kene blaja lah elok2..jgn maen2 byk mcm time skola mnengah dulu..n igtn kpd diri ak yg mls n spe2 yg rse die sme mls cm ak..rajin2 kn lah diri nnt ye..kalo x abis..haha..:D

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Promise 2 U

pejam celik pejam celik pejam celik..tau2 dh nk smbng blaja blk..ade yg dh gi matriks n ade yg dh dpt scholar n ade gak yg blaja tmpt laen..adui..x tau lah nk ckp cmne skng ni..4 those yg dh dpt scholarship congratulations diucapkn kpd anda semua..yg gi matriks n tmpt laen 2 da best of luck 2 all of u..korng blaja elok2 n nnt still bleh apply 4 scholarship kalo korng nk gi oversea..

ak x tau lah nk kate cmne..nk kate ready dh ready lme dh kowt nk blaja tp mcm besa lah ak ni..mls "sket"..hahahaha=D tp mslh nye ak ni still dlm dilema lg..x tau nk pilih course ape sbnrnye ni..xpe lah..doa2 jelah yg i will make da rite choice 4 myself..=)

ok..let juz get 2 da main point of me writin dis post..
dis post is specially dedicated 2 da person yg dh mncuri ati sye spenoh nye..kalo x tulis nme pown msti korng tau spe kn..;) 

name die Izreen Farhanis binti Razalli..be4 dat i want 2 ask permission from all of u sbb ak nk mnjd jiwang kejap eh..bkn slalu juz dis once..sori tau anis..:P disbbkn i hav promise u dat i will post sumthin bout u on my blog..so i will keep my words although dlm ati ni trase sgt2 lah segan utk menulis nye..;) 

ok..i juz want u 2 know dat u r very very very important 2 me since da moment u step into my life..i know dat it will be real hard 4 us in da future since kite akn trpisah jauh nnt kn but i really hope dat we can hold on 2 each other until da end..u r da 1st n i hope da only 1 dat i ♥..wateve happens, bear in mind i will always be there 4 u..mybe not physically but my heart will stay wif u..haha..=D n i will pray da best 4 ur future..u will always n 4eve become da apple of my eye even if....u know wat im tryin 2 say kn..;) nnt bile dh gi egypt nnt kn n dh pndai nnt kn.."FORGET ME NOT"!!!=) 1 more thing..I ♥ U dear!!!

i think ckup lah kowt pnjg ni..kalo x ckup btau ye mkcik gdik..;) n sori coz post cmni kt cni kn..i know u msti malu n i pown malu gak tp biarlah..there is always a 1st time 4 everythin..:)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

ahad minggu ke-2 bulan mei


maybe i didn't know how to express my feeling by words..
thanks 4 everything..
sorry if ever broke ur heart..
i juz want u 2 know dat I ♥ U mama..
bln ni ade 1 lg celebration utk mama.. ;)

Friday, May 7, 2010

better than i expected

ari ni ak ade lg 1 interview utk scholarship japanese asscociation degree(JAD)..frankly speaking, x penah trlintas yg ak nye application ni diterime..yelah..time nk apply 2 pown nk xnk je..mak ak yg beria2 suro apply..so ak pown apply lah n then ari selasa ke ari isnin ak dpt cal yg kate ak nye application brjaye n dipnggl utk intrview ari ni..ari selasa plak smpai lah surat drpd JAD n UM..:)

ok..so dh tau dpt cal utk intrview tp kn ak mmg mls gler2 nk gi intrview 2..yelah..dr awl x expect tau2 dpt..naseb baek lah ade gak rakan2 kesygn ak dpt gak utk intrview ni..kamil, huda n adli..dorng ni pown sme kpale ngn ak mls nk gi tp gi gak akhirnye..

intrview ni brlngsung kt unisel shah alam, smpai2 sne kamil cal ak tnye ktne..x lme lps 2 org 2 pown pggl utk daftar..ak dpt panel 4 sme ngn kamil..kuar 2 nmpk lah huda tgh bratur lg..die dpt panel 2..so ak naek lah ats tros n pegi kt bilik menunggu tgk2 xde org..act kene tggu kt bwh dulu tp spe suroh x ckp ak pown naek jelah..pdn muke!! haha..xpe lah..kamil naek menemani ak..;)

dlm 9.15 ak dipnggl utk di intrview n ak org 1st bg panel 4 sbb mgkok ayun sblm ak x smpai lg kowt..ptot no. 3 tp x kesa lah..cpt abis..msok2 ade 1 pmpuan melayu (cntik gak lah..:P) n 1 laki jepon..laki ni lah byk tnye n ak pown jwb lah..yg plg best die tnye soalan +m3 ngn fizik..

soalan 1st, tan45=?? ak x igt dh sbnrnye tp naseb baek org ni bg ak kire kt whiteboard 2..ak pown wat lah graph tangent yg ak blaja kt skola dulu n triangle 2..dpt lah jwpn die..:)

soalan 2nd, laki 2 lukis gmbr iron n bg mass die 1kg..weight iron ni bape? naseb baek sng je..haha..ps2 die tnye gak unit of gravitational pulling force..

soalan 3rd, x²-x-6=0..ak tgk soalan ni trsyum lebar ak..haha..:D

conclusion nye, dis intrview is better than i expected..dgn x ready ape2 pown gi je intrview..ade lah bce sket psl mechanical engrng n japanese culture tp yg physic, chemist +m3 2 x bce lgsng walopon dh tau org 2 akn tnye..

p/s: thnx 2 huda tajuddin 4 da info psl soalan ni tp ak dh ckp awl2..ak mls lah nk bce blk n mmg ak x bce blk pown..haha..

Sunday, May 2, 2010


hepi bday 2 u..
hepi bday 2 u..
hepi bday 2 my beloved mama..♥♥♥♥♥
hepi bday 2 u!!!

selamat ari lahir yg ke-47 kpd mama yg ku syngi+cintai slalu..
thnx 4 bein such a great, caring, loving n da best mother in da world!! :) ♥♥♥♥♥

p/s: nnt org 2 bg kasih syg kt mama as present!! ;)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Iron Man 2

ok..last night went to e@curve wif my dad, kak lia n mirza(adk sye) 2 watch iron man 2..the movie was totally wicked!(scarlett johansson is 1 of my fav actress other than anne hathaway)..;) ptg 2 bratur pnjg gler..naseb baek lah dpt gak tiket..couple seat pown jd lah yg pnting dpt tgk..haha.. can't wait for the next iron man movie..

actually, the main point of  this post is not bout iron man 2 tp nk btau sape2 yg mmbce blog ni n "curios" bout my upu yg sye dpt Asasi Sains Hayat Universiti Malaya..sje je wat tajuk ni coz rmai blogger dh wat tajuk yg lbih kurang sme..haha.. to tell u da truth.. i really didn't expect 2 get this 1 tp dh dpt kn..so alhamdulillah syukur kpd Allah atas nikmat kurniaan-Nya keatas hambamu ini..insyaallah i will pursue my studies here n will do my best to make my parents, family n those who cares bout me proud of me..:) n also gud luck 2 my fellow frens in ur future undertakings n may Allah bless all of u..amin..