pejam celik pejam celik pejam celik..tau2 dh nk smbng blaja blk..ade yg dh gi matriks n ade yg dh dpt scholar n ade gak yg blaja tmpt laen..adui..x tau lah nk ckp cmne skng ni..4 those yg dh dpt scholarship congratulations diucapkn kpd anda semua..yg gi matriks n tmpt laen 2 da best of luck 2 all of u..korng blaja elok2 n nnt still bleh apply 4 scholarship kalo korng nk gi oversea..
ak x tau lah nk kate cmne..nk kate ready dh ready lme dh kowt nk blaja tp mcm besa lah ak "sket"..hahahaha=D tp mslh nye ak ni still dlm dilema lg..x tau nk pilih course ape sbnrnye ni..xpe lah..doa2 jelah yg i will make da rite choice 4 myself..=)
ok..let juz get 2 da main point of me writin dis post..
dis post is specially dedicated 2 da person yg dh mncuri ati sye spenoh nye..kalo x tulis nme pown msti korng tau spe kn..;)
name die Izreen Farhanis binti Razalli..be4 dat i want 2 ask permission from all of u sbb ak nk mnjd jiwang kejap eh..bkn slalu juz dis once..sori tau anis..:P disbbkn i hav promise u dat i will post sumthin bout u on my i will keep my words although dlm ati ni trase sgt2 lah segan utk menulis nye..;)
ok..i juz want u 2 know dat u r very very very important 2 me since da moment u step into my life..i know dat it will be real hard 4 us in da future since kite akn trpisah jauh nnt kn but i really hope dat we can hold on 2 each other until da end..u r da 1st n i hope da only 1 dat i ♥..wateve happens, bear in mind i will always be there 4 u..mybe not physically but my heart will stay wif u..haha..=D n i will pray da best 4 ur future..u will always n 4eve become da apple of my eye even if....u know wat im tryin 2 say kn..;) nnt bile dh gi egypt nnt kn n dh pndai nnt kn.."FORGET ME NOT"!!!=) 1 more thing..I ♥ U dear!!!
i think ckup lah kowt pnjg ni..kalo x ckup btau ye mkcik gdik..;) n sori coz post cmni kt cni kn..i know u msti malu n i pown malu gak tp biarlah..there is always a 1st time 4 everythin..:)
gedik gilaaa due ekor nii. haha brani mati pny la danial. 1st time ckp i luv u kat anis publicly. hahaha soo sweet! patutla siap msg aku suh bce blog kau kann. haha! btw semoga berkekalan lah ye:)
ReplyDeleteawww... so sweet! haha
ReplyDeletehuda: jgn lah ckp lg..malu ak nnt..btw..thnx! =)
ReplyDeleteadeeb: thnx! besa je kowt..;)
danial biase mende2 gedik nih..
ReplyDeletesame je dua2 ekor nih..haishh
semoga berkekalan la yea..
ak mne besa gdik2 ni biha..
ReplyDelete1st time time lps cmmnt kt blog die kire anis lg gdik dr ak lah kn sbb die post dulu..;)
sumpah aku terharu..tahniah a
ReplyDeletewahhhhhh. comelllll :))) semoga berbahgia :D
ReplyDeleteoi: trharu sbb ape pown ak x tau lah..haha
ReplyDeletenadia: thnx!
hahaha...terharu gler!! :)
ReplyDeleteptot la dok suro org bce...haha
thanks pkcik=)) n u know sumthing..
time bce bnda nii...i juz senyum jee smpai bdk2 yg lalu tny asl ko senyum pndg laptop ni!?
hahahaha...sumpa malu!!!
SEMOGA BERBAHAGIA la ehh dgn org 2 ;p hoho
aku xtau r nk ckp perw... xprnh rase ade awek..
ReplyDeletecm best jerw... doakn r aku dpt awek gak...
anis: dorng tnye je..bce skali x dorng 2..haha..
ReplyDeletespe lah org 2 kn kalo bkn yg trsnyum pndg laptop time bce post ni..;) hehe
zul: x penah zul..ak doakn ko dpt awek..lg..hahaha..
post terbaekkkk. like 5x :)
ReplyDeleteape2 jelah afiq..
ReplyDeletehahahahaha..nseb bek ni ssh nk d komen byk2 kn :p haha
ReplyDeletemksd anis ape? komen byk2?
ReplyDeleteuuuuiisshh....itchu diaa.......
ReplyDeletedanial "edward cullen" hassan........
ReplyDeleteape kene mngena ngn edward cullen pown ak x tau
ok aku baru bace. hahaha lmbt tk?? :p
ReplyDeletemmg lmbb..;p
ReplyDeletebagi aa laptop sebijik kompem aku boleh bce secepat yg mungkin :p hahaha
ReplyDeletebyk lah ko..ak sndri pown xde laptop lg nk bg kt ko..huh!
ReplyDeletei loikeeee :)))))