B4 i start. Let me tell u guys that this post telah di tulis n saved as draft almost a week. Supposed to be published last night b4 12 am Malaysia hours but due to severe technical prblm. It only be posted now. So anggaplah this is b4 new year eh.;)
In just a few hours, tears will be coming out from 2010 n a warm welcome from 2011. Mcm besa lah bile nk masok thn baru sume org ade azam baru termasok lah diri ak sndri. Kalo azam yg baek2 2 bgos lah. Troskn n laksanakn lah ape yg telah anda brjnji pd diri sndri tp kalo yg x bape nk elok 2, pndai2 lah pkir ye.
Azam baru aku utk tahun baru 2011 ni ialah utk menjadi insan yg lbih baik. Seorg muslim, anak yg soleh, jd rajin sbb nk exam As this may, n jd manusia yg lbih cemerlang dlm sume aspek. Mcm ayt nk wat karangan bm plak.
God bless
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
alhamdulillah! akhirnya dpt lah jugak aku kuar dgn rakan2 kusess yg dh beberapa kali di cancel plan ats mslh teknikal yg x dpt dielakkn seblm ni. tpt kol 8.30 dh siap dgn outfit nk brjln..gaye ckp mcm pkai tuxedo nk gi date je padehal pkai t-shirt kaler pink/peach n jeans je. haha.. ok smbg blk. agak awl lah aku siap td dgn tdo kol 3 lbih semlm. smpai kol 11 dgn ariff hazwan dkt mne lg kn kalo dh bdk2 kusess yg brkumpul..x klcc, midvalley..so arrived mid at 11 then stret gi beli tiket for the movie entitled Due Date featuring actors like Robert Downey Jr. (2 je ak knal..yg laen x tau nme) which starts at 1.50..memndgkn mase nk tggu movie 2 start trsgt lah lme n prot kmi berdue trsgt lapar sbb x breakfast lg.jd ak ngn partner ak sorg ni gi lah mkn kt prosperity burger kt mcd dlu smbil menunggu kamil, fikri n fariz smpai.
at about 12 p.m kami berlima gi bowling n smpt maen 2 set b4 movie start.ape yg mnggembirakn ak adelah ari ni, ari rabu bertarikh 29/12/2010..ak telah brjaye wat personal record dlm bowling ni..1st time dpt skor lbih 100.so 1st set ak dpt no 2 dgn mrkh 115..2 mrkh dibelakang areng yg mndpt 117..tp 2nd set.hah! amik ko tros jatuh smpai 76 n dpt last.mrkh yg besa ak dpt kalo maen bowling.haha.so spe2 yg rse nk mng maen bowling jgn lah segan2 ajak aku maen sbb potensi utk kmu org mng sgtlah tggi kerana aku x hebat bowling.
abis tgk movie yg ditayang selama hampir 2 jam.mcm besa lah.mkn lah activity seterusnye..owh n b4 2 semyg zohor dlu..haish! mkn je keje mne x brisi! xpe aku xde lah gmok sgt lg.normal kot..haha.n wat pengetahuan sume.td pon 1st time ak mkn dkt food court yg kt bwh..sblm ni mkn dkt ats 2 je..sng sket.dekat! haha..yg kt bwh 2 murah sket cume pilihan nye x byk..kebykn gerai jual nasi campur je..so lps ni xyah gi dh lah.:P abis mkn jln2 jap n blk!
sbnrnye post ni nk btau bahawa 29/12 merupakn tarikh yg sgt istimewa kpd seorg rakan aku kerana pd tarikh ini, seorg insan yg brname ariff hazwan telah dilahirkn n thn ni, thn 2010 genap 18 thn beliau melihat dunia ni..walopon die ni MS but still u r my trusted n bestfren!
may Allah bless ur life n ur future undertakings!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Nice one
Just a simple question or rather be a riddle.
What is the most expensive fruit?
Any idea anyone? Oh and not to forget your reason why you choose that fruit.
Please and thank you
What is the most expensive fruit?
Any idea anyone? Oh and not to forget your reason why you choose that fruit.
Please and thank you
Thursday, December 23, 2010
firstly, my post this time dedicated to anyone who wants to get to know me better. bak kata org Melayu 'X KENAL MAKA X CINTA'. so, sape2 yg trase nk jatuh cinta terhadap diri saye yg x seberape ni bce lah but i know spe yg nk kn. who am i. hahaha...
just a random things about me since dh x tau sgt nk tulis ape kn dkt blog yg sering ditgglkn lme2 ni. nak wat cmne dh tuan punye blog pemls! hahaha
1. spt yg dinyatakn diatas, saye sgt PEMALAS!! in almost everything kot. update blog or specifically writing (sbb 2 tulisan buruk.:P). mls nk brckp, wat keje/homework, n study. that is why i didn't achieve great result in my studies.:(
2. tell me if i'm wrong for this one coz sye rse sye seorg yg PENDIAM.
3. have low SELF-ESTEEM.
4. x reti nk BERGAUL dgn org.
5. easily INFLUENCE by people around me.
6. sgt ske mghabiskan mase dgn brmaen GAME even bile maen pon kdg2 bosan gak. that is the only way to fill my time. tp yg ni Insyaallah xkn dibawa2 smpai ke bsr n dh kje n brumah tgga nnt. so u dont have 2 worry ok.;)
7. get BORED over something quickly.
8. ok this one i'm not so sure but sometimes i think i'm SENSITIVE. eiiii. girlish! haha. but its not wrong 2 be sensitive sometimes kn? xkn nk biar je tiap2 mase kn. nnt asyik kene mcm 2 je. so skali skale kene tnjuk yg we dont like that thing kn. haha. mostly i'm not like that. that is what 1 of my friends says 2 me. she says i'm usually the COOL type man. x tau lah btol ke x or mybe cume nk amik ati kn.;) cume ari 2 je pelik tibe2. haha. and again correct me if i'm wrong.
9. saye ANAK MAK!! haha. wat lah elaboration sndri.
10. i'm not a GOOD person but i'm not BAD either. depends on how a person treated me! if you want me 2 be a good person than be nice. want 2 play rough, no problem. u ask 4 it!
11. like 2 SLEEP but not in class.
12. sye bkn seorg yg kuat AGAMA nya n yg kuat IMAN nya but i'm trying hard to become a decent person 4 a better future.
13. i love 2 EAT n this cause me 2 get the nickname 'King of Perakus' during my high school days along my friends esp in my class and i have a 'Queen of Perakus'. haha. also in my class.
14. although i like 2 eat but seriously saye sgt MEMILIH n MENGADE2 dlm bab2 makanan ni. dlm bnde laen x mgade KOT.:P example coming up next.
15. i hate VEGETABLES (mcm bdk2 mgade nye) tp xde lah x mkn. bole je mkn tp xde lah sume kn. kalo dgn nasi putih x minat lgsg. dgn mknn goreng2 or sup 2 Insyaallah mkn lah time mls nk ketepikn sayur 2 but sayur DM mmg x penah ske smpai skng. ;)
16. i am seriously no good at doing things which involves DISCIPLINE myself to do those particular activity at a certain time for a period of time. sng cter x ISTIQAMAH dlm membuat sesuatu bnde. when i have the mood i do it. when i don't, x lah.
17. relating 2 number 14 is, i have bad TIME MANAGEMENT.
18. TEASING people is my fav. haha. jahat seyh! tp xde lah melampau. KOT!! :P sorry 2 those yg penah kene n slalu kene.
19. a question. am i a SWEET-TALKER?? i don't think so coz if i do. i would have lots of girlfriend now. ;) skng ni 1 pon xde lg KOT! :P
20. no good in words, WRITING interesting essay, n using bombastic words. that's why i said im not a SWEET-TALKER.;)
21. i don't have GOOD LOOKS that girls usually crazy about but i'm not UGLY 2. this is subjective. so IF anyone think i'm looking good thank you. for those who don't. u have the right to say so.
22. i really2 like 2 IMAGINE things! lots of things :P ni lah kot punca nya i'm good at manipulating data. haha
23. i'm a good LISTENER but not really good at giving ADVICE or OPINION to people.
24. a big of MANCHESTER UNITED fan since i was a kid.
25. i think i dont get MAD easily. well, mybe i do get MAD easily but not the type to shout it out loud. most of the time i just keep it inside let it fade away with time!
26. usually my LIPS are dry! kalo jumpe doc msti suro minum air byk2 but honestly, mmg dh minum air byk dh. i think more than 8 glasses per day tp kering gak. haish! tp kalo x kering bibir 2 jd merah plak(kissable lips bak kate azam). n sum1 once ask me do i wear lipstick? i was like wth. of coz lah x. gile ke ape nk pkai lipstick. i'm not a fag. but i use those nivea lipbalm sbb kering kn. nnt buruk plak.
done! enjoy reading n feel free to comment anything necessary!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Whatever I say
Whatever I do
You will always know what I truly feel right
That is why you will always be my HEART
For the one who understand me the most
So let us forget the past and move on shall we
But this time I think I will wait for you to say when
I'll be waiting for you
Whatever I do
You will always know what I truly feel right
That is why you will always be my HEART
For the one who understand me the most
So let us forget the past and move on shall we
But this time I think I will wait for you to say when
I'll be waiting for you
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Mia Amore
Sometimes we need to sacrifice or let go of something to make our love ones happy
As long there's a smile carve on your face, that is enough for me.
When you smile, that means you are happy right!?
If you happy than I am happy.
So don't worry okay?
I'm sorry for everything. Even if you do say it's your fault, I think it is mine.
That's all that I can say.
Friday, December 10, 2010
oh really!
after experiencing a few attempts on my own, i finally realize that to achieve the thing that i want is HARDER than i thought..=.=
after a few action, its getting HARDER and i need to wait for things to CALM DOWN before continue doing it.
the key to success of this particular things in life is PATIENCE and DISCIPLINE n i really really mean it.
and once u get it, most probably u will be satisfied IF n ONLY IF u get those things right by done it in the suggested ways.
anyway, i hope get the RESULT that i want and gain the BENEFIT from it.
after a few action, its getting HARDER and i need to wait for things to CALM DOWN before continue doing it.
the key to success of this particular things in life is PATIENCE and DISCIPLINE n i really really mean it.
and once u get it, most probably u will be satisfied IF n ONLY IF u get those things right by done it in the suggested ways.
anyway, i hope get the RESULT that i want and gain the BENEFIT from it.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
ok fine!! stelah didesak n dipaksa by few of my friends, i have decided 2 update my blog which has been left alone without its owner for a month approximately. lame ke x 2? mcm kejap je. hehe.:P iye2. mmg dh lame tp nk wat cmne. i'm da lazy n i really mean it. sye trsgt mls nk menulis since i know n learn 2 make essay not just the long3 ones, even the shortest essay in the world. unless it is essential. i can make it in a speed of light!! haha. lebat nk mampos.
so, ape yg nk dicterkn kt cni ye. hurmmmm. fyi, 2 anyone yg still sudi mmbce blog ni. i have just finish my final sem exam last friday. b4 da start of da exam, me n my friends already started 2 plan n talk about what we are going 2 do 4 this holiday. ade yg ajak gi penang lah, kelantan, ipoh n ade gak yg ajak gi korea yg mne probability utk jd near 2 ZERO 4 me.(kalo btol jd best gak kn...;p) maklumlah, even though i'm 18 n eventually will turn 19 in less than 2 month (fyi again,nk promote jap my birthday is in the month of january. just slightly after the middle of the month), sye masih anak mak ye utk pengetahuan sume pmbace. nk wat cmne. mama trlbih syg kt anak teruna die yg sorg ni. biar lah ape kmu sume nk ckp ape coz 2 me. family 1st ok. so nk kuar jaoh2 2 agak payah sket lah lg2 kalo drive sndri or kwn2 sebaye yg drive. mmg x dpt lah jep. hahaha.:D
frankly speaking, x tau lah nk kate ok ke x 4 da exam.no feelings. it is usual me though coz i dont like 2 think about da past much. dh lah time cuti raya haji x study pon. mmg brserah jelah. nyway, let me describe briefly bout my exam. 4 chemistry, everythin was ok except 4 paper 1 coz ntah. tibe2 rse mcm ssh. coming 2 physics plak, all was fine n 4 ielts da biggest prblm came at the reading part. the question was damn tricky n hard ones n i manage 2 finish the writing part
next, my plan 4 dis 1 month break. basically, it will filled up with lots n lots of games (i'm a game freak thoughn lg lah plak bru beli assasins creed n black ops..mmg melekat kt dpn tv 2 lah.haha), movies, chatting, hanging out, music, n updating my itunes library with all da album artworks. yeah2. i know. pretty lame huh! books?? naahh..nnt lah. blk kms bru sentuh blk kot. nk bce novel pon x tau nk bce ape since house of night series yg latest nye x kuar lg kn. hahaha. semlm babah suro tgk air asia nye website coz ade promotion utk tiket flight n bile tgk td..rupe2 nye utk bln july next year. haha. igtkn utk cuti ni. sadly, time 2 most probably i've already started my 3rd sem in kms. ade spe2 bole bg plan ape nk wat cuti ni? criusly xde idea dh nk wat ape.=.= owh. n i do plan 2 do some exercise just 2 avoid my perut mmbuncit n also 2 gain some muscle sbb tau2 lah kn dok umah besa nye mls sket nk kuar briadah. ps2 mkn xnk sket. haha. kalo x exercise lgsg mmg mmbulat lah nnt. jd spe2 yg baek tlg igtkn tuan punye blog ni at least jog ye..haha..
ape lg yg ptot ditulis kt cni. 2 je kot utk skng. until then, wish u all have a good day n happy life. btw. mama tgh dmm skng. :( doa die elok eh.
so, ape yg nk dicterkn kt cni ye. hurmmmm. fyi, 2 anyone yg still sudi mmbce blog ni. i have just finish my final sem exam last friday. b4 da start of da exam, me n my friends already started 2 plan n talk about what we are going 2 do 4 this holiday. ade yg ajak gi penang lah, kelantan, ipoh n ade gak yg ajak gi korea yg mne probability utk jd near 2 ZERO 4 me.(kalo btol jd best gak kn...;p) maklumlah, even though i'm 18 n eventually will turn 19 in less than 2 month (fyi again,nk promote jap my birthday is in the month of january. just slightly after the middle of the month), sye masih anak mak ye utk pengetahuan sume pmbace. nk wat cmne. mama trlbih syg kt anak teruna die yg sorg ni. biar lah ape kmu sume nk ckp ape coz 2 me. family 1st ok. so nk kuar jaoh2 2 agak payah sket lah lg2 kalo drive sndri or kwn2 sebaye yg drive. mmg x dpt lah jep. hahaha.:D
frankly speaking, x tau lah nk kate ok ke x 4 da exam.no feelings. it is usual me though coz i dont like 2 think about da past much. dh lah time cuti raya haji x study pon. mmg brserah jelah. nyway, let me describe briefly bout my exam. 4 chemistry, everythin was ok except 4 paper 1 coz ntah. tibe2 rse mcm ssh. coming 2 physics plak, all was fine n 4 ielts da biggest prblm came at the reading part. the question was damn tricky n hard ones n i manage 2 finish the writing part
next, my plan 4 dis 1 month break. basically, it will filled up with lots n lots of games (i'm a game freak thoughn lg lah plak bru beli assasins creed n black ops..mmg melekat kt dpn tv 2 lah.haha), movies, chatting, hanging out, music, n updating my itunes library with all da album artworks. yeah2. i know. pretty lame huh! books?? naahh..nnt lah. blk kms bru sentuh blk kot. nk bce novel pon x tau nk bce ape since house of night series yg latest nye x kuar lg kn. hahaha. semlm babah suro tgk air asia nye website coz ade promotion utk tiket flight n bile tgk td..rupe2 nye utk bln july next year. haha. igtkn utk cuti ni. sadly, time 2 most probably i've already started my 3rd sem in kms. ade spe2 bole bg plan ape nk wat cuti ni? criusly xde idea dh nk wat ape.=.= owh. n i do plan 2 do some exercise just 2 avoid my perut mmbuncit n also 2 gain some muscle sbb tau2 lah kn dok umah besa nye mls sket nk kuar briadah. ps2 mkn xnk sket. haha. kalo x exercise lgsg mmg mmbulat lah nnt. jd spe2 yg baek tlg igtkn tuan punye blog ni at least jog ye..haha..
ape lg yg ptot ditulis kt cni. 2 je kot utk skng. until then, wish u all have a good day n happy life. btw. mama tgh dmm skng. :( doa die elok eh.
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