just a random things about me since dh x tau sgt nk tulis ape kn dkt blog yg sering ditgglkn lme2 ni. nak wat cmne dh tuan punye blog pemls! hahaha
1. spt yg dinyatakn diatas, saye sgt PEMALAS!! in almost everything kot. update blog or specifically writing (sbb 2 tulisan buruk.:P). mls nk brckp, wat keje/homework, n study. that is why i didn't achieve great result in my studies.:(
2. tell me if i'm wrong for this one coz sye rse sye seorg yg PENDIAM.
3. have low SELF-ESTEEM.
4. x reti nk BERGAUL dgn org.
5. easily INFLUENCE by people around me.
6. sgt ske mghabiskan mase dgn brmaen GAME even bile maen pon kdg2 bosan gak. that is the only way to fill my time. tp yg ni Insyaallah xkn dibawa2 smpai ke bsr n dh kje n brumah tgga nnt. so u dont have 2 worry ok.;)
7. get BORED over something quickly.
8. ok this one i'm not so sure but sometimes i think i'm SENSITIVE. eiiii. girlish! haha. but its not wrong 2 be sensitive sometimes kn? xkn nk biar je tiap2 mase kn. nnt asyik kene mcm 2 je. so skali skale kene tnjuk yg we dont like that thing kn. haha. mostly i'm not like that. that is what 1 of my friends says 2 me. she says i'm usually the COOL type man. x tau lah btol ke x or mybe cume nk amik ati kn.;) cume ari 2 je pelik tibe2. haha. and again correct me if i'm wrong.
9. saye ANAK MAK!! haha. wat lah elaboration sndri.
10. i'm not a GOOD person but i'm not BAD either. depends on how a person treated me! if you want me 2 be a good person than be nice. want 2 play rough, no problem. u ask 4 it!
11. like 2 SLEEP but not in class.
12. sye bkn seorg yg kuat AGAMA nya n yg kuat IMAN nya but i'm trying hard to become a decent person 4 a better future.
13. i love 2 EAT n this cause me 2 get the nickname 'King of Perakus' during my high school days along my friends esp in my class and i have a 'Queen of Perakus'. haha. also in my class.
14. although i like 2 eat but seriously saye sgt MEMILIH n MENGADE2 dlm bab2 makanan ni. dlm bnde laen x mgade KOT.:P example coming up next.
15. i hate VEGETABLES (mcm bdk2 mgade nye) tp xde lah x mkn. bole je mkn tp xde lah sume kn. kalo dgn nasi putih x minat lgsg. dgn mknn goreng2 or sup 2 Insyaallah mkn lah time mls nk ketepikn sayur 2 but sayur DM mmg x penah ske smpai skng. ;)
16. i am seriously no good at doing things which involves DISCIPLINE myself to do those particular activity at a certain time for a period of time. sng cter x ISTIQAMAH dlm membuat sesuatu bnde. when i have the mood i do it. when i don't, x lah.
17. relating 2 number 14 is, i have bad TIME MANAGEMENT.
18. TEASING people is my fav. haha. jahat seyh! tp xde lah melampau. KOT!! :P sorry 2 those yg penah kene n slalu kene.
19. a question. am i a SWEET-TALKER?? i don't think so coz if i do. i would have lots of girlfriend now. ;) skng ni 1 pon xde lg KOT! :P
20. no good in words, WRITING interesting essay, n using bombastic words. that's why i said im not a SWEET-TALKER.;)
21. i don't have GOOD LOOKS that girls usually crazy about but i'm not UGLY 2. this is subjective. so IF anyone think i'm looking good thank you. for those who don't. u have the right to say so.
22. i really2 like 2 IMAGINE things! lots of things :P ni lah kot punca nya i'm good at manipulating data. haha
23. i'm a good LISTENER but not really good at giving ADVICE or OPINION to people.
24. a big of MANCHESTER UNITED fan since i was a kid.
25. i think i dont get MAD easily. well, mybe i do get MAD easily but not the type to shout it out loud. most of the time i just keep it inside let it fade away with time!
26. usually my LIPS are dry! kalo jumpe doc msti suro minum air byk2 but honestly, mmg dh minum air byk dh. i think more than 8 glasses per day tp kering gak. haish! tp kalo x kering bibir 2 jd merah plak(kissable lips bak kate azam). n sum1 once ask me do i wear lipstick? i was like wth. of coz lah x. gile ke ape nk pkai lipstick. i'm not a fag. but i use those nivea lipbalm sbb kering kn. nnt buruk plak.
done! enjoy reading n feel free to comment anything necessary!
senitive......! haha.that 1 is so true :p
ReplyDeleteWat is senitive? :p haha..was i always "senitive" pt sometimes?
ReplyDeleteheee... nice!
ReplyDeletenak tau ape yg kite same?
2,3,4,5,7,8,10,12,14,16,21,22,23 and 25.
does it has something to do with personaliti anak kedua? who knows kan?
love this post :)
duhhhh..typo error lah pkcik!
ReplyDeleten b4 i jwb..wut is pt btw? ;p hahaha
Anis: dat is anis syndrome..typo..duhh.haha..ok jwb then my question..:p
ReplyDeleteAdeeb: most probably it does have some connection..cube tnye mkcik yg kt ats ni..die ank ke2 gak.;)
N btw adeeb..thanks!
ReplyDeletehaha.maybe ada yg btol n ade yg x. i LOVE vegetables! n sy x memilih mknn ;) hoho..n n n..i yg ank kedua ni x mgada ponn! HAHAHA^^
ReplyDeleten 4 ur question...xyah mgada nk buat2 tny. sedo2 diri tuu ;p
U said u x mgade is such a big lie..:p org tnye ni sbb x tau lah die xnk jwb plak..x ke mgade nme nye..
ReplyDeleteko lupe tulis, "sy tkut giler kat LIPAS"
ReplyDeleteMne de ak tkot gile kt lipas.ske kot..kot lah..haha