I'm having my AS examination right now but since the next exam will be held due 1 week from now, I guess taking a short break is not a crime right. N while I have the chance let me update about my test so far.
The first paper was Pure Mathematics 1 on 9th of May. My comment about that paper is not bad because I like Math!! n I am pretty good for that subject but still a lot of flaws in my presentation during class but overall it was ok n I think I can get good marks for this paper.:)
Chemistry paper 3 is next which is the experiment test. It was the worst experience I have ever felt in any of my exams since childhood n I'm trying to get rid of this memory out of my mind. Seriously I have no confidence in getting not even at least decent scores for the experiment unless miracle happens by the help of Allah. My opinion is if it is not the most difficult experiment I have ever done during my 2 sem in KMS, definitely it will be the 2nd on the list.:( So now what I can do is just pray n tawakal. The past is the past n we can't do a damn thing about it.
3 days after is Chemistry paper 2. As i expected the question was unusual, a bit differ from the past years that I have done. Quite tough but not easy as well. Hoping for the best so that it will cover up for my mistakes in paper 3.
Penat lah plak tulis ayat skema ni. hahaha. nnt tnsion ++++ jd nye.=_= ok let me continue but in ayt yg lbih sng n ringkas.;)
esok nye plak, exam physics paper 3. same gak kene wat experiment. yg ni ok lah kot. ade mistake but naseb baek Pn. Zainon tegor so mybe trlps lah kot. doa2 jelah.
paper 2 physics seminggu lps 2 n utk yg ni. gua x tau lah nk ckp cmne. mcm ssh tp mcm x sng. hahaha. konklusinye ssh lah kn tp rse mcm bole jwb tp still rse ssh tp ntah lah. byk btol tp. tp ape pon.:P lg skali. doa lah kt allah byk2 n tawakal.
n pg td jwb math statistics 6 yang tersangatlah mencabar n kalo dpt mrkh yg tggi 2. sujud syukur lah byk2 kali sbb yg ni pon ak xtau nk kate cmne. hoho.:O soalan pelik benar. hahahaha..
after 6 papers taken, now i'm left with 2 more papers. Chemistry paper 1 next week n physics paper 1 on the last day that is 6th of June (2 minggu dr skng). setakat ni, ape yg ak bole rse lah kn. nmpk nye buku2 yg ade syllabus as ni x bole buang lg lah nmpk nye lg2 chemist n physics.:( bkn nye ak brdoa atau berharap x dpt A utk kdue2 subjek 2. tp just a prediction n my instinct yg mgatekn begitu. mmg lah xde spe nak repeat kn. yelah penat kot kalo repeat. kalo chem n physic 2 kalo repeat, 5 paper ko kene amek. x ke leceh+penat+malas nk amek tp kalo dh takdir kite kene trime jelah n buat muhasabah diri kenape Allah bg kite cm2. mungkin sbb dosa kite. mungkin sbb Dia tau kalo kite dpt 15 nnt kite bongkak, riak, n lupekn Pencipta kite.
n bg yg mungkin dpt 15 nnt x smestinye baek sbb 1 bnde yg kite sume kene takut ialah istidraj. istidraj makne nye lbih kurang cmni lah. Allah bg nikmat dunie dkt seseorg 2 utk die brtmbh2 sesat n hanyut dlm hidup n nikmat di dunie ni. cth nye org 2 die semyg pon tunggang trbalik, dgn bnde lagha nye lg n mcm2 lah lg tp in the end die still dpt 15 points n after that pon die still wat bnde sme. yg ni nme nye istidraj. so waspada lah kite wahai manusia yg mudah lupe. bkn melayu je mudah lupa ye. harap maklum.
btw, if any grammar error. saya mintak maaf ye.
The first paper was Pure Mathematics 1 on 9th of May. My comment about that paper is not bad because I like Math!! n I am pretty good for that subject but still a lot of flaws in my presentation during class but overall it was ok n I think I can get good marks for this paper.:)
Chemistry paper 3 is next which is the experiment test. It was the worst experience I have ever felt in any of my exams since childhood n I'm trying to get rid of this memory out of my mind. Seriously I have no confidence in getting not even at least decent scores for the experiment unless miracle happens by the help of Allah. My opinion is if it is not the most difficult experiment I have ever done during my 2 sem in KMS, definitely it will be the 2nd on the list.:( So now what I can do is just pray n tawakal. The past is the past n we can't do a damn thing about it.
3 days after is Chemistry paper 2. As i expected the question was unusual, a bit differ from the past years that I have done. Quite tough but not easy as well. Hoping for the best so that it will cover up for my mistakes in paper 3.
Penat lah plak tulis ayat skema ni. hahaha. nnt tnsion ++++ jd nye.=_= ok let me continue but in ayt yg lbih sng n ringkas.;)
esok nye plak, exam physics paper 3. same gak kene wat experiment. yg ni ok lah kot. ade mistake but naseb baek Pn. Zainon tegor so mybe trlps lah kot. doa2 jelah.
paper 2 physics seminggu lps 2 n utk yg ni. gua x tau lah nk ckp cmne. mcm ssh tp mcm x sng. hahaha. konklusinye ssh lah kn tp rse mcm bole jwb tp still rse ssh tp ntah lah. byk btol tp. tp ape pon.:P lg skali. doa lah kt allah byk2 n tawakal.
n pg td jwb math statistics 6 yang tersangatlah mencabar n kalo dpt mrkh yg tggi 2. sujud syukur lah byk2 kali sbb yg ni pon ak xtau nk kate cmne. hoho.:O soalan pelik benar. hahahaha..
after 6 papers taken, now i'm left with 2 more papers. Chemistry paper 1 next week n physics paper 1 on the last day that is 6th of June (2 minggu dr skng). setakat ni, ape yg ak bole rse lah kn. nmpk nye buku2 yg ade syllabus as ni x bole buang lg lah nmpk nye lg2 chemist n physics.:( bkn nye ak brdoa atau berharap x dpt A utk kdue2 subjek 2. tp just a prediction n my instinct yg mgatekn begitu. mmg lah xde spe nak repeat kn. yelah penat kot kalo repeat. kalo chem n physic 2 kalo repeat, 5 paper ko kene amek. x ke leceh+penat+malas nk amek tp kalo dh takdir kite kene trime jelah n buat muhasabah diri kenape Allah bg kite cm2. mungkin sbb dosa kite. mungkin sbb Dia tau kalo kite dpt 15 nnt kite bongkak, riak, n lupekn Pencipta kite.
n bg yg mungkin dpt 15 nnt x smestinye baek sbb 1 bnde yg kite sume kene takut ialah istidraj. istidraj makne nye lbih kurang cmni lah. Allah bg nikmat dunie dkt seseorg 2 utk die brtmbh2 sesat n hanyut dlm hidup n nikmat di dunie ni. cth nye org 2 die semyg pon tunggang trbalik, dgn bnde lagha nye lg n mcm2 lah lg tp in the end die still dpt 15 points n after that pon die still wat bnde sme. yg ni nme nye istidraj. so waspada lah kite wahai manusia yg mudah lupe. bkn melayu je mudah lupa ye. harap maklum.
btw, if any grammar error. saya mintak maaf ye.
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