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Saturday, May 22, 2010

guess what

yes! finally i've decided on what i want 2 be 4 my future..n guess what..after months of thinking( i think years actually) i have finally decide on 2 be an engineer which is i think great 4 me..:) haha..i think all the dream bout me being a doc is a crap really..bak kate mama sye yg trcinta..ni ujian Allah kt ats kite..blabla x igt sgt ape mama ckp n akhirnye ak brjaye wat keputusan yg tpt insyaallah lps mndgr all da advice from my parents, family, frens n my parent's frens..

cter nye cmni..semlm time pg2 lps bgn tdo 2 kn..actually i've thought of rejecting mara tau..haha..gler siot! tp xde lah ckp kt my parents lg psl ni juz diam je dulu sbb x sure kn..then mama ade lah cal kwn2 die time skola dulu tnye psl ni..ps2 mama cal lah besfren die since primary school x silap..nme die yasmin mahmood..she is a very3 succesfull woman n i adore her very much! she was once i think the managing director of microsoft malaysia n now currently working in ytl company..bile ckp psl ytl trigt ak kt earth hour last year..haha..=D 

(pnt gak tulis post pnjg2 ni..huhu)

aunty yasmin or nme yg mama ak pggl die cho min..die bg lah ceramah jap semlm..die tnye btol ke danial nk jd doc..sggup ke keje doc nnt..cube danial pkir danial nk workin environment cmne nnt..jgn jd mcm ade org yg blaja medic lme2 last2 x jd doc kn rugi 2..so sume soalan ni mmbuatkn ak brpkir..btol ke ak nk jd doc..ak keje die ak x kesa rse nye..mne de keje yg best sng kn..tp soalan aunty yasmin yg ak rse btol2 wat ak pilih engineering kn ialah soalan ni..danial sggup x blaja lme2 in bout 6-7 years..haha..criusly..bile pkir blk kn..ak xnk n sbnrnye MALAS "SKET" nk blaja ni..spe2 yg knal ak tau lah ak cmne kn..trsgt2 lah pemls..huhu..;) anyway..thank u soo much aunty yasmin 4 ur advice which really open up my mind n make me think deeply on wat i will encounter in my future undertakings if i choose dis n dat..:)

btw..ak x jd lah nk gi pejabat mara esok n minx tuka course medic..kpd afiq farhan..ko gi lah mnggdik sorng2 kt sne nnt..hahaha..=D

so..dis is my final decision n i will not regret it..pray 4 my success di mase akn dtg n me 2 will pray 4 u guys..insyaallah..n thanks 2 all those yg dh bg nasihat 2 me..all ur advice help me a lotz in making dis tough decision..